Dear client

The X-mas season just has startet so we launched another special for you.

Updates at

But now to the special offer:

Place your order at
At the end of the order transaction you find a field Voucer where you can add the value XMS10. With the new shop the new price can be seen immediately.

Pickup possible in: Switzerland (Wettswil, Au), Austria (Hörbranz), Germany (München)
Shipping costs per weight, will be shown directly in the order process.

More details:
Special offer is valid until 30.11.2010 and cannot be summed. Your payment must be payed until 15.12.2010.

Extra special:
For all bikers ;) We imported some LED headlights for your bikes. They produce 900 Lumen! Incl. handle bar and head mount, extension cable, battery and charger EUR/US. Contact us and we will send you this special offer with all the details ;)


-> Only stock products, as long as they are available

You can read this letter in the following languages:
-> German
-> English
-> French

Clients complaign other clients:
Make your friends happe and send this mail to them, the voucher is valid for several orders until the date above. You will get a pair of Xenonlook Hyperwhite parking lights for each new client.